About Me

The Gum Blog's Chief Gum Officer, Andi Lucas, a chewing gum fanaticI attribute my obsession with gum to my Mom. She kept multiple packs in a large bowl up in the kitchen cupboard. It was never empty, and it was always sugar-free. Back in those days, it was mostly Carefree—the yellow (peppermint), the pink (bubble gum), and the orange (fruit), the latter of which was always the last to go. I was reprimanded constantly in elementary and middle school for chewing gum, and I even made Christmas tree garland from Carefree gum wrappers one year. In fact, I broke a tooth on a Charm’s Blow-Pop once in a desperate attempt to get to the gum faster.

Today, I have two large drawers full of gum. Although I’ve followed Mom’s footsteps and kept it free of sugar, my collection features a smorgasbord of brands and flavors. I tend to get lost in the gum aisle at Target, and I have packets of gum everywhere I go—purse, car, office desk, gym bag.

It’s pretty clear: I love gum! And I’d love to share my reviews, stories, and thoughts on gum with the oodles of other gum addicts out there. Enjoy!

The Gum Blog

Andi, Chief Gum Officer

PS: Barbie-esque gum teeth brought to you by Extra Polar Ice.

Blow a Bubble

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